Wednesday 4 June 2008

Kurt Cobain's ashes stolen

It's not entirely clear how you'd go about flogging them on eBay without arousing suspicion, but that hasn't stopped someone from stealing Kurt Cobain's ashes, according to his widow Courtney Love.

Love believes a former friend is responsible for swiping Kurt's remains, which were stored in a pink bear-shaped handbag and hidden in a wardrobe at her Hollywood home.

She now claims to be suicidal as a result of the theft: "I can't believe anyone would take Kurt's ashes from me. I find it disgusting and right now I'm suicidal. If I don't get them back I don't know what I'll do."

Most of Cobain's ashes were originally scattered at a New York Buddhist temple and in the Wishkah river in Washington state. However, Love says she kept some for herself, hidden away in a location that was a closely guarded secret until now.

"They were all I had left of him," Love said to the News of the World. "Who has their husband's ashes stolen?"

Love is hardly a stranger to controversy. This March she claimed that someone had used Cobain's social security number to steal more than $200 million from his estate. As with the theft of his ashes, Love believes the culprit was known to her.

Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994.

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