Tuesday 19 August 2008

Lung Association: Going Back To School With Asthma Shouldn't Cause Anxiety

�As the school bells get
ready to ringing, parents and other caregivers of children who have asthma
should prepare for a possible peak in asthma episodes (also known as
attacks or exacerbations). According to the American Lung Association of
the Upper Midwest, the superlative number of asthma hospitalizations occurs in
the fall, usually September.

The hang increase may be caused by respiratory infections, increased
pollen, and outdoor mold counts. Children going back to school day also get
more contact with other children in an indoor environment, possibly
increasing their exposure to viral and bacterial respiratory infections
which can lead to an asthma episode.

"Parents and guardians hind end prepare for this possible increase in asthma
episodes by scheduling a 'well-asthma' visit with the child's asthma
provider," said Harold Wimmer, CEO of the American Lung Association of the
Upper Midwest. "At this visit, health aid providers should review or
develop an Asthma Action Plan for the child."

According to the Lung Association, parents and guardians should:

-- Obtain an up-do-date Asthma Action Plan from the health upkeep
provider and forward copies to the school wellness office and/or childcare

-- Ensure the minor has rescue medications (often called ventolin) and
holding chambers (too called spacers) available at home and
school/childcare. Make sure rescue medication inhalers are not outdated or

-- Ensure the child has access to his/her asthma medications and knows
how to use them.

-- Reduce exposure to things that could trigger an asthma attack such
as allergens and secondhand roll of tobacco.

-- Schedule an grippe vaccine appointment when the vaccine is

-- Teach children to wash their hands frequently with soap and water
both at home and school.

Children whose asthma is well-controlled can participate in all
activities just like anyone else, including sports, gym and other aerophilic
type activities by following an Asthma Action Plan and providers'
instructions. Signs that a child's bronchial asthma is well-controlled include:

-- Ability to participate in all physical activities without developing
bronchial asthma symptoms.

-- Sleeping through the night without episodes of cough and

-- No missed school days due to asthma attack or other respiratory illnesses.

-- No emergency room, urgent maintenance or unscheduled provider office

If your child is having symptoms or asthma episodes, the American Lung
Association of the Upper Midwest advises parents and caregivers to agenda
an appointment with the child's health care provider as shortly as possible to
adjudicate these issues.

American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest

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